how to use arrays in c shell

hi :slight_smile:

i need help to explain arrays 2D in c shell

like this in c++

int a[5][4]


where are you ?

wish 3ndk Jay hna ?? hhhhhhhh
atwq3 ank m3e fee cs360

3ndek sharh array 2D ???:slight_smile:

jeet atlp almos3dh >>>w al7un as3dhom!!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok , because I know you I'll give you a hint & If you want more details about it email me .. okay ?

set list ( "sum1" "sum2" "sum3" )
set list2 ( list list list )

the above lines produce array list2 which is 2D: 3*3
don't ask me how to use it nor manipulate it cause I don't know that ! But I'm gona try that after 7 or 8 days .. maybe .

Regards :slight_smile:

Edit: dr.salay told me this, I didn't figure it out from my mind.

thank u :wink:

see this code

set array = ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
set array2 = ( 6 7 8 9 10 )
set arrayy = ( $array[1-5] $array2[1-5] )
echo $arrayy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

but not array 2D :frowning: