How to use a multiple line list with the select command in ksh?

I copied the below program to play around with displaying a list of items using the select command in ksh. When I put all items in the same line, it works fine. I am trying to use multiple lines instead of a single list is too large for a single line. How do I get the line continuation to work properly. The initial script used a "\" at the end of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines in the "select" command...this only displayed the "\" before the ^J. I took the "\" out, but that didn't change the output format. Here's the code:


set -A termnames gl35a t2000 s531 vt99
echo "\n"
print 'Select your terminal type:'
echo "\n"
PS3='terminal? '
select term in '
    'Givalt GL35a'
    'Tsoris T-2000'
    'Shande 531'
    'Vey VT99''
    if [[ -n $term ]]; then
        print "TERM is $TERM"

The output below is from the above "select" command:

Select your terminal type:

1) ^J    Givalt
2) GL35a^J    Tsoris
3) T-2000^J    Shande
4) 531^J    Vey
5) VT99
terminal? 1
TERM is gl35a

I have also tried removing the single quotes that surround the list in the select command, but this returns the syntax error:[8]: syntax error at line 9 : `newline or ;' unexpected

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Instead of using single quotes around all of the terms, simply continue the list by ending each line of the list, except the last, with a backslash (you can use this to continue any shell command).


alister...thank you so much. The original code did not have a "\" after "select term in"...which is the first line in the command. I could've sworn that I tried that, but after countless changes, I needed a new set of eyes. Works like a charm.

One more question. If you don't have a quick fix, you can tell me to do another post, but, I wanted to know if there is a way to display a multi-column list? Would I use select again or something else?

Thanks in advance,

What do you mean by "multi-column-list"? Pls post example. If there's enough list items, select will split them into several columns istself:

select term in "Givalt GL35" "Tsoris T-2000" "Shande 531" "Vey VT99" "Givalt GL35" "Tsoris T-2000" "Shande 531" "Vey VT99"; do echo $term; done
1) Givalt GL35      3) Shande 531        5) Givalt GL35    7) Shande 531
2) Tsoris T-2000  4) Vey VT99        6) Tsoris T-2000  8) Vey VT99