How to upgrade AIX TL (technology level)

Hello. Im attempting to install Oracle 11g, but my current AIX is a bit too old. Oracle 11g require TV 5300-05-06, and my current AIX TV is:

% oslevel -s

So what would be the best way to update TV? Thanks.

Do you have a NIM server? I do all my upgrades through it and haven't had many issues with it.

Download the latest TL for your architecture and OS version from IBM. Store it somewhere in /tmp or /usr/sys/inst.images.
Then create a .toc file
#inutoc <your directory>
this will create .toc file in that directory.
Now, run:
#smitty update_all
(choose the Input Directory to Install)
System reboot is required after the upgrade and check the new TL (oslevel -r)

Thank solaix14. Im downloading files from IBM server. Gosh, almost 1000 files :frowning:

Sounds like I need another AIX server? No, unfortunately I dont manage any other AIX box.

In your case TL05 is already installed, you just have to download & installed SP6 for TL05 which is around 100MB. However, it is good to installed latest level of TL, which is TL09. It might be around 2GB.

It's good to update first bos.rte.install (smitty install -> Install and Update Software -> Install and Update from ALL Available Software). Then you can update the rest of filesets. During preview you will see all errors which can occur during update. If you just update TL (without separate update of bos.rte.install), preview will show you statement about bos.rte.install installation. Small think but can help.

P.S. after updating you will have to reboot server

Thank a lot. I successfully updated my server :slight_smile: