How to unset 'finger' info?

Command "chfn" can be used to change finger information.. can anybody tell me how to unset i mean reset the same finger information.

Thanks in advance,

Looks like you can just hit enter on the prompt.

# chfn joebob
 joebob's current gecos:
                "Joe Bob"
 Change (yes) or (no)? > yes
root@scrappy:/ > finger
Login                               Name               TTY Idle    When    Site Info
joebob                                ???            p5         Thu 14:17

thats fine..

just by using entr key after "chfn <$USER> " we can just edit that to replace with new information. My requirement is to reset that information to blank/NULL...


Hit enter and it is blank. It is only the fifth field in the /etc/passwd file. If your chfn doesn't work like mine (hitting enter resets it to blank) then just edit the /etc/passwd file.