how to unlock a dvd in HMC

When I do HMC upgrade, I download HMC code from IBM web site and burn it to a DVD disk, when I get the first DVD out of HMC's dvd rom and input the second DVD, it shows error:

The requested device is already locked by the process: Install Corrective Service.

Would you like to try to request a lock of the device again?

How to unlock the dvd disk?


why do you have more than one DVD - I don't recall the upgrades to be that big - do you try to perform more than one patch same time? If so this might cause your trouble since the hmc expects to be rebooted between these upgrades.

Kind regards

When I import VG, it shows:

0516-622 synclvodm: Warning, cannot write lv control block data.

I found AIX V4.3 have updatelv command can recovery LVB from VG, however, updatelv is not existed on AIX 5L, which command to replace it?