How to Unlink all files in a directory?

I had a directory like A/B/C and these are all what I did.

cd A/B/C
ln -s some_path/some_sub_dir/C/* .

After this, I have around say 1000 files linked to my A/B/C directory. How can unlink all those files at one shot? The unlink command requires filename as an argument but what I need is to unlink all those 1000 files at one single shot.

Any help?

You can just delete the link. That won't delete the original file. (I hope I understood the requirement correctly).

i.e doing "rm *" in A/B/C directory.

Note: Be careful and make sure you want to delete the links. also make sure, no other files are present in the "A/B/C/" directory.

If so, you can also delete only the links with the find and with other methods.

see the man page of rm for reference

      If file is a symbolic link, then only the symbolic link is removed.
      The file or directory pointed to by the symbolic link is not affected.
      If any of the intermediate path components of file happens to be a
      symbolic link, then rm follows the symbolic link and removes the file.