How to unistall grub

i have a problem. i installed RHEL 4. The system got hanged during now i want to install Windows XP. when i boot from cd i am getting grub> prompt. so i want to remove grub from MBR.
And i am having 128MB RAM.whether it is recommended for installation for RHEL4.

Give me a solution for removing grub

Thanks in advance for any help

fdisk /mbr

from DOS



from Windows Recovery Console

I've used this to remove lilo, which should also work for grub

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

The thing placed after

fdisk /mbr



will exec. bootsector of the active partition and this will do nothing: so anyway you will not can install WinXP after that because NT-installer puts partition bootsector, but does not rewrite MBR.

RedHat linux (2.4.7-10)
root (hd01)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.7-10 ro root=/dev/hda2 1
4:fdisk -l

zhenyuan1125, please read our rules and note:
(9) Edit your posts if you see spelling or grammar errors (don't write in cyberchat or cyberpunk style). English only.

Those are Chinese glyphs. On my PC at least. He must have cut & pasted something from his own PC. I don't think he's using cyberchat at all.

I believe that the use of Chinese logograms represent a violation of the final sentence of rule 9. We have previously disallowed posts in German, Spanish, French and Portuguese.