How to take the vg data back?


I would like to take back the data from datavg ( 4 lv : fslv00, fslv01, tuxedo_lv and oracle_lv ), but I don't know what to do :(:(:(.

lsvg -l datavg
LV NAME             TYPE       LPs     PPs     PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
loglv00             jfslog     1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A
fslv00              jfs2       400     400     2    closed/syncd  /export/spot6166
fslv01              jfs2       240     240     2    closed/syncd  /u01
tuxedo_lv           jfs2       20      20      1    closed/syncd  N/A
loglv01             jfs2log    1       1       1    closed/syncd  N/A
oracle_lv           jfs2       28      28      1    closed/syncd  N/A
test02:/]mount /u01
mount: 0506-323 Cannot get information about log device /dev/loglv03.

test02:/]mount /export/spot6166
Replaying log for /dev/fslv00.
mount: 0506-324 Cannot mount /dev/fslv00 on /export/spot6166: The media is not formatted or the format is not correct.
test02:/]df -g
Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4           2.00      0.43   79%    16222    14% /
/dev/hd2           7.00      1.21   83%    62904    18% /usr
/dev/hd9var        1.00      0.79   21%     6700     4% /var
/dev/hd3           7.00      3.68   48%     5421     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1           1.00      0.77   23%     2705     2% /home
/dev/hd11admin      0.50      0.50    1%        5     1% /admin
/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt       4.00      0.98   76%     4996     3% /opt
/dev/livedump      0.25      0.25    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

We cant reply like that, we dont know what you did...
What does lsvg -o show?

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You might want to have a look at your history, it might give some insight here. I'm assuming that you are logged on as root and that you are the only user logged on as root?



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test02:/] lsvg -o

I have just cloned rootvg. After booting from alt_disk_rootvg, I lost datavg. I did " importvg datavg ", but I can't find the data althought these data still exist on the disks.

hdisk0          00c8ac36cfdf99b4                    None            
hdisk1          00c8abd6d05f83ca                    datavg          active
hdisk2          00c8abd6d4ad141f                    datavg          active
hdisk3          00c8abf69e5cd9d8                    rootvg          active
lsvg datavg
VOLUME GROUP:       datavg                   VG IDENTIFIER:  00c8abd600004c0000000149ac050768
VG STATE:           active                   PP SIZE:        256 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION:      read/write               TOTAL PPs:      1092 (279552 megabytes)
MAX LVs:            256                      FREE PPs:       402 (102912 megabytes)
LVs:                6                        USED PPs:       690 (176640 megabytes)
OPEN LVs:           0                        QUORUM:         2 (Enabled)
TOTAL PVs:          2                        VG DESCRIPTORS: 3
STALE PVs:          0                        STALE PPs:      0
ACTIVE PVs:         2                        AUTO ON:        yes
MAX PPs per VG:     32512                                     
MAX PPs per PV:     1016                     MAX PVs:        32
LTG size (Dynamic): 1024 kilobyte(s)         AUTO SYNC:      no
HOT SPARE:          no                       BB POLICY:      relocatable 
PV RESTRICTION:     none                                      

Did you do a varyoffvg before? ( importvg that is...)

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No :(:(:frowning:

As per your own listing "/u01" is not part of the VG "datavg". Where the FS comes from is unclear.

Post the output of the following two commands:

lsvg          # shows list of VGs
lsvg -o | lsvg -li   # shows list of LVs of all VGs varied on

I hope this helps.


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