How to store a escape character in a Variable.?

How to store escape character in the variable.


echo ${Var} | sed -e "s/,/|\\\\./g;s/^/\\\\./g"

Var1=`echo ${Var} | sed -e "s/,/|\\\./g;s/^/\\\./g"`

echo $Var1

echo $Var1

I wanted to get the escape sequence stored in the Var1.

Any help?


What do you mean by "escape sequence"?

You have shown us the output you don't want, but haven't shown us the output you do want.

Just edited the my original post!

$ Var="abc,def,ghi,jkl"
$ echo "\\.${Var//,/\\.}"



Thanks Corona!!

It worked by changing from double qoute to single qoute of the sed command.