How to stop samba on solaris 10?

Hello to everybody from Argentina.
I need to stop samba because i need to fsck a filesystem
How can i do this?
I presume that the version is higher than 3.0.

/usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -D This is the out of ps -ef | grep smbd.

Thank you very much for your time i am a litle lost.

The solaris version is 5.10.(Solaris 10)

svcs -a | grep samba

and then

svcadm diasabe <output from svcs -a | grep samba>


svcs -x samba

and shout write

reason: temporally disabeld by system administrator

Sys Admin Best Practices - Samba on Solaris 10


To stop samba in Solaris 10,

#/etc/init.d/samba stop

To start it again,

#/etc/init.d/samba start


I forgot that solaris 10 handle the services with svcs and svcadm. Thank you very much if you come to Capital Federal we drink fernet con coca cola

Good luck to everybody