How to start up console on Sun Fire X2200 ILOM using SSH?

Hi Oracle Hardware Specialists,

I have shutdown a Sun Fire X2200 server running Solaris 10 x86 to single user mode to experiment some backup commands using Web based Sun embedded Lights Out Manager Redirection to open up a console session. However, it is not possible to copy & past text with this approach. As a result, I am trying to connect to the same ILOM using Putty SSH but failed to startup console using the command below which works on Sun Sparc Enterprise T5520:

Sun(TM) Embedded Lights Out Manager
Copyright 2004-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version 3.09
IP address:
MAC address: 00:4B:42:3E:68:E6
System serial number: 983HGF238V
/SP -> start console
start: Invalid target /SP/console
/SP -> start /SP/console
start: Invalid target /SP/console

Can anyone advice what is the right command to do this?

Many thanks,


Are you sure the console is not already in use?

 stop /SP/console
 start /SP/console
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Be aware it is ELOM, not ILOM! There is a huge difference between these two!

On the X2200M2 use show from the prompt to see all possible targets. In your case start AgentInfo/console (no leading /) should work, if I remember right.

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Hi DukeNuke2,

Below is the output but no prompt is present after pressing return key many times in Putty & re-connecting as well:

/SP -> start AgentInfo/console
console activate successful
press ESC ( to terminate session...

I have closed all existing web-based launch redirection before starting Putty.

Thanks so much,


If your OS is booted to a graphical login screen, then there is no output to the serial console. You should check the graphical redirection from the ELOM web gui.

Also you can powercycle the machine and look for output on console at boot time.

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Hi DukeNuke2,

The OS is in single-user mode prompt. How & where to check the graphical redirection from the ELOM web gui. Any documentation/command to try out?

There was a brief moment where it was possible to see the hardware initialization together with boot up from Solaris 10 x86 DVD lines after powercycle before returning to freezing the whole screen again. It almost appears as though I need to set terminal emulation on Putty to run in possibly vt100/ANSI.

Note that this server in single-user mode boot up from Solaris 10 x86 bootup DVD disk, has not been configured with a network connection. Hence, a Putty SSH brings me to ELOM prompt. On the other hand, I can SSH to the console on an identical system in multi-user mode on the network. Not sure whether this difference may have anything to do with the current issue.

Thanks a lot again,


Solaris is just booting into graphical mode. You should find lots of information using google or the solaris documentation on how to make Solaris boot in text mode.

For the redirection, use a web browser to connect to the ELOM.

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Dear All,

DukeNuke2 was right all along. I finally got text coming through a Putty SSH session on the Console after choosing to boot up the system through the last Text tty menu on Grub.

Couldn't have done it without your help.

Thanks again,
