how to start looping from the second line in .csv file

I have a .csv file and i use the below while loop to navigate through it
But i need to loop from the second line since the first line is the header

How will i do it?? please help

while IFS=, read Filename Path size readonly
echo "Filename -> ${Filename}"
echo "Path -> ${Path}"
echo "size -> ${size}"
echo "readonly -> ${readonly}"
done < filenames.csv

may be like this

no_of_line=`wc -l filenames.csv|cut -d' ' -f1`
tail -`expr $no_of_line - 1` filenames.csv | while .....

I am geting all the values including header when i do this

My csv file is like this


I need to retrieve the values from the second line excluding the header

How will i do that ??

May be we can think of writing the logic in awk/nawk...

awk '$0 != "Filename" { print $1,$2,$3,$4 }' filenames.csv

please modify the above logic or syntaxes as per your exact requirement.

i suggest samll modification in the above code

awk -F"," 'NR>1{print "Filename ->"$1"\nPath ->"$2"\nsize -> "$3"\nreadonly ->"$4}' filename

This awk command works perfect for me. But if i add this as a condition to my while loop its not working as expected

I need a condition which will restrict the header line from geting displayed
while looping:confused:

why you wanna run this in while loop??
awk will read each line of the file line by line so no need of loop.. and it will exclude the header

I need to execute other commands after looping through each line excluding the header line and assigning each column in a line to a variable

I believe if i loop using awk i wont be able to manipulate my loop

I dont know .correct me if i am wrong..

This can be used to achieve this

cat filenames.csv | while read fileline
filename1=`echo $fileline | cut -d "," -f1`
Path=`echo $fileline | cut -d "," -f2`
size=`echo $fileline | cut -d "," -f3`
readonly=`echo $fileline | cut -d "," -f4`
if [ $filename1 != "Filename" ]

Thanks for all