How to start gui from Solaris command line?

Hi. I'm a Solaris newbie.

I'm using Solaris SunOS Version through Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager on Windows.

When I start the VM, I get to a command line I can login to.

I've tried using:

/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e

However, I receive error "No such file or directory".

The "dt" folder doesn't exist in /usr.

Help appreciated.

/usr/dt/ belongs to CDE, and existed in Solaris 10. Solaris 11 ships with Gnome only.
Are all services up?

svcs -vx

lists services that are in state "maintenance".
Note that graphics (Xserver) can only work if a keyboard and a mouse are connected.

If X-Windows is installed then you can start that GUI with:


The most common cause is an uninstalled graphic environment.

This can be fixed by running:

pkg install solaris-desktop