How to sftp fron UNIX to window server using expect?

I am using expect to transfer the file from unix system to windows server.
however it is not taking the password.
same I tried without script also but still it is not accepting the password.

when I tried with winscp tool it accepting the password.

I am not sure where I am doing wrong

spawn sftp root@xx.xx.xx.xx
expect "password:"
send "abcd1234\n"
expect "sftp>"
send "cd /tmp \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "mput t.txt \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "quit \r"

above script working file when tried unit to unix server

Why are you using:

send "abcd1234\n"

when sending the password (which does not work) instead of using:

send "cd /tmp \r"

when sending data for the other responses (which does work)?

Note also that you have an unneeded <space> that you are sending before the <carriage-return> character ni your last three send s. The <space> at the end of the cd , mput , and quit commands won't hurt you, but you certainly can't insert an extraneous <space> when sending your password.

Hi Don,

even if I use below command, password is not accepting

 sftp root@xx.xx.xx.xx

but same password is working fine when I am using winscp tool Gui to transfer the file

I didn't say anything about changing:

spawn sftp root@xx.xx.xx.xx

in your script to:

sftp root@xx.xx.xx.xx

I suggested changing:

send "abcd1234\n"

in your script to:

send "abcd1234\r"

And noted that you could also change:

send "cd /tmp \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "mput t.txt \r"
expect "sftp>"
send "quit \r"

in your script to:

send "cd /tmp\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "mput t.txt\r"
expect "sftp>"
send "quit\r"

Hi Don,

ok I got it.
here my concern is why password is accepting when trying with unix server but same working fine when using sftp tool GUI