How to set up Telnet on Suse?

I am trying to use telnet to access a linux box. I know I should be using SSH (which I use personally), but i have to use telnet. How do I configure the linux box to accept the telnet request.
I am using Suse

Thanks for any help

Search the dvd for telnet - you see an rpm like telnetd or telnet-server. Install that using YasT.

thanks rikxik,
I have tried :
rpm -qa|grep telnet
and the output i got is:

So,it means telnet package has been installed in my OS then
why i am not able to use telnet?

Because telnet has a client (telnet) and server (telnetd) Most probably you have only installed the client.

right,i think i have not installed server (telnetd) and also in the dir
/etc/xinetd.d there is no file with telnet name.
thanks for the help rikxik
one last q so,now i have to install telnetd??

I mean is there any other way to make use of telnet?

rpm -qa only shows you what's currently installed, not whats in the repository. Run 'zypper search telnet'. If it shows a package 'telnet-server', run 'zypper install telnet-server'

thanks pludi,
yes, zypper search telnet has given me the output as:
package telnet-server ....
has installed in my OS.

But when i tried:
zypper install telnet-server
i got error as:
Please insert media [Failed to mount cd:///?devices=.......: No medium found.

so,how would i install telnet ??? and what insert media is it asking?
Is it asking the package CD? if so,then Why it is asking CD if it is already in the storage.

'zypper search' searches through a list of packages that the system knows of. This includes both installed an not installed packages. Just because a package turns up on your search doesn't mean it's locally available on your system, but only that zypper knows where to find it. As long as there isn't an 'i' in the first column, it isn't installed.

'zypper install' then tries to fetch the package, either from the installation media or a network repository, local or global. An example for a global repository would be the OpenSuSE/Novell update server.

As long as you don't add a network repository, zypper will always try to install packages from the installation media. This means that you're limited to what's on CD, and are cut off from security updates (which are always highly recommended).

how would i add a network repository ??

also there is no 'i' in the first column for,what is the altimate solution to use telnet??

If you've got SuSE Enterprise Linux (SLES), go ask Novell how to keep your system up-to-date.
If it's OpenSuSE, do this

# zypper ar -t yast2<version>/repo/oss/ <alias>
# zypper refresh

where <version> is your version of SuSE (10.2/10.3/11.0/...) and <alias> is a shortname for you to define. Afterwards a simple 'zypper in telnet-server' should be enough.

For more details on zypper, look here or here.

thanks pludi,
I have OpenSuSE,and thanks for the help.