How to set end limit while copying files of a range??

I have files being generated in format A20140326.00........ to A20140326.24.............

I need to copy these hourly basis from one location to another.
Eg. If i copy from 14 to 19 the hour, I use wildcard as A201403226.1[4-9]*.

Requirement is : I need to copy from 06 hour and wil run the script at 22:30 hour for instance. So Can anyone please help me in setting a wildcard which can do something like,
In the script i mention 6th hour and some wildcard whic increments to that hour,Instead of setting another hour.

I hope I am clear :frowning:

Ok, lemme see if I understand you correct.

to_date=`date +%H`

for i in `seq -w ${from_date} $t` ;do
  echo $i;
  ## Put your copy logic here.