How to set DISPLAY to support X11 window server

I can run xclock from root but not able to run in a user (oracle)
I am getting this error during installation of ORACLE-10g (10.2) in Solaris-10 (X86).............when I do ./runInstaller

when ever try, getting this error.......

DISPLAY not set. Please set the DISPLAY and try again. or
Can't connect to X11 window server using '' as the value of the DISPLAY variable

How to set the Display to support X11..........

OS-solaris 10 (X86)
Laptop- ACCER, AMD Processor with 2GHz

Pls help me out


Make sure that your local xserver is listening for incomming connections (on the machine you initiate the connection from), then make sure you authorize the xclient to connect to it.

man xhost will give you the needed info for this.

If you are able to run xclock then the above step is not needed.

Then on the remote end export your display variable:

export DISPLAY=

where is the ip address of the machine you initiate the connection from.

The better way - set DISPLAY automaticly :
add next strings in /etc/profile and relogin

DISPLAY="`who -m | cut -f2 -d'(' | cut -f1 -d')'`:0.0"
export DISPLAY

(source Unix pin ????? ????? ?????????? DISPLAY ????????? )