how to send parameters to script

hi all
i have a script in c-shell call test
that i want to send to him parameter
name of directory to go to
something like this
the script :
cd /usr/(here i want that he will go to the name of the directory that i send to him as a parameter)
like :/usr/admin admin is the parameter
the problem is that the parameter always change
(admin,test) etc.
ho shell i write script like this ?
can someone help me ?
best regards

./yourscript admin

#!/bin/csh -f
cd /usr/$1

Hi naamas03,

I wrote something for example:

#! /bin/csh

set DIR=$1


The script is executed as the following:

./send_param.csh bin

I sent paramter to the script . In this case is the directory "bin".
