How to save the 'nmon' output to a text file with a script?

Hi all,
I want to do an Unix Script to save the 'nmon' output on a text file and I don't know how to do it.
I need a Script for each monitoring and also one to multiple monitorings.


What beyond output redirection do you need?

Re-edit. I need this two scripts.


A few questions:-

  • What have you tried so far?
  • What output do you actually want?
  • What is your operating system and version?
  • Have you read the manual pages for nmon, vmstat, iostat, sar etc.

Most importantly, what have you tried so far?

It is better for you to learn by trying and us suggesting adjustments than for us to give you a solution that might not be quite what you want, then we're back again to get it changed. if you have a go and understand then it will be better for us all.


Hi rbatte1
I've never done a script of its kind, and want to know what to do to get the monitoring of each of the options of the "nmon" comand to diferents text files.
My OS is Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit
I read the manual of nmon, but i don't see nothing about it, and i look for that in google but nothing...

thanks for your attention.

If the output you want comes to the screen, try:-

your-command > file-name

I'm hoping that will capture the output into the file you name.

What is the command you are running? Is it just nmon on it's own with nothing else?

:confused: I'm a bit confused by your OS being Windows. Are you connecting to a unix server somewhere or using Cygwin, MS Tools for unix, or something else to pretend to be in one? :confused:



I'm using putty for connect to a Linux server.

the Script is :topas_nmon -f -t -r Test1 -s 60 -c 60 to generate a text file .nmon

and them i use a tool of IBM called nmon_analys that convert the .nmon file in excel file.