how to run process in certain date and time

hi all!
i want to run a process in certain date and hour (like feb 2007 ,hour 3 p.m)
how shell i write it
my script call cs-update-pr
another question :as the script running, will i see it as process ?ho does it run
background? and if not - how can i define to him to run background?
thanks in advanced

Use cron daemon to schedule your script execution (syntax on this forum).
To run background a script, use & symbol at the end of the line (./cs-update-pr &).

If you use it once (no repetition) the at command is more appropriate.

$ man at

hi all
thanks for quick response
shell i write the at command, in the command line ?
shell i write like this
at 2 PM, the 3rd of July of the year 2007 run the following job
how can i do that it will not appear in the command line as stuck process
can i write it and fires from the emulation?