how to run ksh from csh

I'm comfortable with csh. However, i need to run a ksh script.Using exec /bin/ksh -i , I'm able to invoke ksh, but the script is not running any further. Variable QDDTS is an env setting on my csh env.
The ksh script goes like this -


exec /usr/local/bin/ksh -i

function prepbuglist
print "Running prepreport "$1 $startday $today

$QDDTS/bin/ "Project:ABC and Product:xyz and Severity:1,2,3,4,5" > /tmp/all-rn.bugs

First, this is a wrong approach. On the first line, put:


Second, I think your script is not complete. You need to put the closing brace } somewhere, either before or after the line starting with QDDTS (depending on whether that is also part of the function).

Thanks for your input.
I agree to your point that the script is not complete, so the braces are not closed. I've pasted about 5% of the script.
However, with #!/usr/local/bin/ksh the issue I'm facing is - It's not able to take value of QDDTS from env settings. env settings (in csh, has value of QDDTS set to a path like "/usr/local/bin/...")
Please let me know your thoughts.

All variables from the environment are available to the KSH script. If it's not getting there, it could be a problem with how the variable is exported or with the /etc/kshrc or .kshrc files. In CSH, make sure you export your variable this way:

env | grep QDDTS
ksh -c env |grep QDDTS

Do you get two lines of QDDTS=..... ?