how to run glance over ssh in batch mode


Is it possible to run glance over ssh in batch mode ??

Similar to running " top -f " command over ssh..
Need to get glance output for specific pids

Thnx very much

what command line do you use for top?
(does it display or write to a file on the remote server you need to get after..)

Found the following example but it returns nothing; /tmp/gout is blank

ssh -qn wsl 'TERMINAL="vt100" /opt/perf/bin/glance -aos /tmp/gout -iterations 2; cat /tmp/gout'

any ideas ??

The TERMINAL string is the same I used for TOP command batch mode

automating glance

This returned a legible output incliding a frozen shot of the graph
but when mailed the output, it was full of the control chars..

Any thought ??

It was always full of control chars. A terminal understands them, Notepad doesn't.

You'll need to strip out or convert them somehow. How to do so legibly could be quite tricky indeed if any are used for positioning elements.