How to run executeable file using shell script?

Hi all, i really need a help for run my executeable program and add a file as a paramater to the executeable program. i want to run my executeable program by shell script.

i have space.exe program and want to run it with gr1.adl file as a parameter to that space.exe program.

Is there anybody help me with the shell script?

I run with windows 7 but have instaled cwgyin instaled in my OS.

Is space.exe a windows or *nix program?
space.exe needs executable permission. Then run it like space.exe gr1.adl .

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space.exe can be run with windows but i want to try run it in linux by shell..

Then you need to install wine, any windows exe would not run on linux otherwise.

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Sea, he has cygwin. The idea of installing WINE inside Windows is fascinating, but probably unnecessary.

It's not really a Linux shell, since you don't have Linux, by the way. I suppose you could run it with ./space.exe when it's in the current directory.

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I have tried but the result is like this..

E:\SEMESTER 6\TA_2\space\source.alt\source.orig>./space.exe
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

E:\SEMESTER 6\TA_2\space\source.alt\source.orig>

Firstly it looks like you are at a windows command prompt. You want to be at the cygwin terminal prompt. Look under start menu for "Cygwin Terminal" shortcut this should be Start->Cygwin->Cygwin Terminal by default.

You should then cd to your space working dirctory and run space.exe like this:

[westlyarfan@YOURPC ~] cd "/cygdrive/e/SEMESTER 6/TA_2/space/source.alt/source.orig"
[westlyarfan@YOURPC source.orig] ./space.exe  gr1.adl
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thank you for all of you..
thank you so much especially for you Mr Chubler XL.

i have succeed

I have solved my problem because all of you..
thank you so much..