How to restart a service without root access.?

hi ,
can anyone please tell me to how to restart a service without root or i need a root access for it.

as a user i am getting this type of error :

nkchand@(tendcer0h1) nkchand $ service /opt/Nimsoft/bin/niminit stop
ksh: service:  not found.

The error message you reported doesn't say anything about needing root privileges to run a program, it just says that there is no utility named service in your command search path (as specified by $PATH ).

How you restart a service on a system varies from system to system. What operating system are you using?

From the path included in your command, it appears that you are trying to start 3rd party software (not something provided by your operating system vendor). What does the documentation for this software say you should use to start it, stop it, and restart it on your operating system?