How to replace the field values, which are greater than the specified value with TRUE?

I have a csv file as given below,

	org1 	org2 	org3 	org4 	org5
gene1 	100 	80 	90 	80 	150
gene2 	30 	70 	50 	50 	115
gene3 	40 	120 	60 	40 	105
gene4 	20 	72 	40 	60 	20

I need to replace the fields are having values greater than 100 with "TRUE". I used the following commands to replace specific values. But I do not know how to replace all the fields which has value greater than 100 with "TRUE".

sed -e 's/100/TRUE/g' org1.xls

Thanks in advance.

Well, greater than (or equal) 100 means three digits and more, right? Try

sed -e 's/[0-9]\{3,\}/TRUE/g' file
    org1     org2     org3     org4     org5
gene1     TRUE     80     90     80     TRUE
gene2     30     70     50     50     TRUE
gene3     40     TRUE     60     40     TRUE
gene4     20     72     40     60     20
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It works perfectly.

Hello dineshkumarsrk,

Could you please try following.

awk 'FNR==1{print;next} {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i+0>100){$i="True"}}} 1'  Input_file  | column -t 

R. Singh

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sed "s/[1-9][0-9]\{2,\}/TRUE/g" file
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This code also works perfectly with the addition of


Sorry Singh, I forgot to mention in my question that greater than or equal to 100 to be replace with TRUE.

Hello dineshkumarsrk,

Ok sure try following.

awk 'FNR==1{print;next} {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i+0>=100){$i="True"}}} 1'  Input_file  | column -t

R. Singh

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