How to replace and amend value in the same time

2009/03/30 08:11:34.553 DFP
2009/03/30 08:11:36.861 PLO

I want it to be

2009/03/30 09:11:34.553 DFP
2009/03/30 09:11:36.861 PLO

2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 DFP
2009/03/30 23:11:36.861 PLO

to be

2009/03/30 00:11:34.553 DFP
2009/03/30 00:11:36.861 PLO

Can we use sed or awk here? I don't know how.

> echo "2009/03/30 08:11:34.553 DFP" | awk '{newh=substr($2,1,2)+1; if (newh==24){newh=00}; printf("%10s %2.2d%8s %3s\n",$1,newh,substr($2,3,10),$3)}'
2009/03/30 09:11:34.553 DFP

> echo "2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 DFP" | awk '{newh=substr($2,1,2)+1; if (newh==24){newh=00}; printf("%10s %2.2d%8s %3s\n",$1,newh,substr($2,3,10),$3)}'
2009/03/30 00:11:34.553 DFP

thanks that's good stuff but columns are not fixed so it could be
2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 DFP
2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 DFP 12[1.24] [1.3]
2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 Pctreas no remark [2.3] (obsolete)
I tested with your code doesn't work

Thanks again

> val1="2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 DFP"
> echo "$val1" | awk '{newh=substr($2,1,2)+1; endv=$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7; if (newh==24){newh=00}; printf("%10s %2.2d%8s %-30s\n",$1,newh,substr($2,3,10),endv)}'
2009/03/30 00:11:34.553 DFP                           

> val1="2009/03/30 23:11:34.553 Pctreas no remark [2.3] (obsolete)"
> echo "$val1" | awk '{newh=substr($2,1,2)+1; endv=$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7; if (newh==24){newh=00}; printf("%10s %2.2d%8s %-30s\n",$1,newh,substr($2,3,10),endv)}'
2009/03/30 00:11:34.553 Pctreas no remark [2.3] (obsolete)


my %hash=('08'=>'09','23'=>'00');
my @array=('2009/03/30 08:11:34.553 DFP','2009/03/30 23:11:36.861 PLO');
open $fh,"<","a.spl";
map {	my @arr=split("[ :]",$_,3);	print $arr[0]," ",$hash{$arr[1]},":",$arr[2],"\n"} @array;