How to replace a specific word in specific column?

My orginal file is like (100s of lines)

id    host   ip   location  remarks
1    host1  ip1   -   xxx
2    host2  ip2   -   xxx
3    host3  ip3   -   xxx
9    host9  ip9   -   xxx

I have a ref file like

host1   location1
host2   location2
host3   location3
host9   location9

Now I want the first file like

id    host   ip   location remarks
1    host1  ip1   location1   xxx
2    host2  ip2   location2   xxx
3    host3  ip3   location3   xxx
9    host9  ip9   location9   xxx

Note: The delimiter is "tab". The word is not the last word in any of the line...
Can you suggest me an idea?


hope this could help you..

id host ip location remarks
1 host1 ip1 - xxx
2 host2 ip2 - xxx
3 host3 ip3 - xxx
9 host9 ip9 - xxx

host1 location1
host2 location2
host3 location3
host9 location9


for f in `sed '1d' file1|awk '{print $2}'`
     echo $f
     value=`awk -v var=$f '{if($1~var) {print $2}}' file2`
              if [ $? -eq 0 ]
                 awk -v var=$value -v var1=$f  '{if($0~var1){print$1,$2,$3,var,$5}}' file1 |head -1 >> out.lst
 head -1 file1 > outnew.lst
 cat out.lst >> outnew.lst

id host ip location remarks
1 host1 ip1 location1 xxx
2 host2 ip2 location2 xxx
3 host3 ip3 location3 xxx
9 host9 ip9 location9 xxx


(use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris)

awk -F'\t' 'NR == FNR { ref[$1] = $2; next }
FNR == 1 || $4 = ref[$2] ? ref[$2] : "-"
' OFS='\t' reffile mainfile

Simply Great!:b:

Actually it could be less verbose and the previous code won't work if you have a location named 0 or "" (null string), this one should handle those cases too:

awk -F'\t' 'NR == FNR { ref[$1] = $2; next }
($2 in ref && $4 = ref[$2]) || 1
' OFS='\t' reffile mainfile

A variation with join:

join -t' ' -11 -22 -o 2.1,2.2,2.3,1.2,2.4,2.5 reffile mainfile

Use appropriate separator (-t option)

As I was just palying around with the join command I discovered some neat feature like performing a "left join" type of join:

join -t' ' -a1 -e'unknown' -12 -21 -o 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.2,1.4,1.5 mainfile reffile

This will return:

1 host1 ip1 location1 - xxx
2 host2 ip2 location2 - xxx
3 host33 ip3 unknown - xxx
9 host9 ip9 location9 - xxx

Of course, files need to be sorted first which is not the case with awk.