How to remove text between two expressions

I need to remove a section of text on a line that is between two patterns.
This is the line:

Begin   : Transaction Id 00004d9e769065ab 04-Oct-2011 04:01:48.69                       Username smith

I need the line to read:

Begin   : 04-Oct-2011 04:01:48.69                       Username smith

I then need to add some text/chars so the line will read as follows:

Begin   : Datetime [04-Oct-2011 04:01:48.69],  Username [smith]

I think I can get the last line once I get the text removed that I need out of there. I need help getting the ']' at the end though.

Thank you !!!

echo 'Begin   : Transaction Id 00004d9e769065ab 04-Oct-2011 04:01:48.69                       Username smith' | nawk '{print $1,$2, "Datetime [" $(NF-3) " " $(NF-2) "],", $(NF-1) " [" $NF "]"}' OFS="\t"

thank you, that works for the line but I need to run it through an entire transaction log file and change all of the lines that have 'Begin ' to the format I outlined above.

You didn't post a sample of the entire log file...
This is just a guess...

nawk '/^Begin/ {print $1,$2, "Datetime [" $(NF-3) " " $(NF-2) "],", $(NF-1) " [" $NF "]"}' OFS="\t" myLogFile

Thank you ! Unfortunately the code stripped everything but the "Begin' lines.

This is what I should have posted the very first time - sorry for the confusion.

The log below >>>

Begin   : Transaction Id 00004d9e769065ab 04-Oct-2011 04:01:48.69                       Username smith
  data data data data      
End     : Transaction Id 00004d9e7690665c 04-Oct-2011 04:01:49.57
data data data data
Insert  : Transaction Id 00004d9e7690665a Id (22,0)                   Table [machines,smith]
data data data data data 
Update : Transaction Id 00004d9e777d2d1b Id (312441,0)                                Table [testsystem,smith]
data data data data 
Delete : Transaction Id 00004d9e777ba197 Id (1,0)                     Table [system,smith]
data data data data

Needs to look like this log >>>>

Begin   :  Datetime [04-Oct-2011 04:01:48.69], [Username smith]
  data data data data      
End     : Datetime [04-Oct-2011 04:01:49.57]
data data data data
Insert  :     Table [machines,smith]
data data data data data 
Update :  Table [testsystem,smith]
data data data data 
Delete : Table [system,smith]
data data data data

Thank you !

nawk '/^Begin/ {print $1,$2, "Datetime [" $(NF-3) " " $(NF-2) "],", $(NF-1) " [" $NF "]";next}$1 ~ /Insert|Update|Delete/ {$0=$1 OFS $2 OFS $(NF-1) OFS $NF}1' OFS='\t' myFile

Thank you ! I think that took care of everything but the 'End' line.

nawk '/^Begin/ {print $1,$2, "Datetime [" $(NF-3) " " $(NF-2) "],", $(NF-1) " [" $NF "]";next}$1 ~ /Insert|Update|Delete/ {$0=$1 OFS $2 OFS $(NF-1) OFS $NF}$1~/End/ {$0=$1 OFS $2 OFS "Datetime [" $(NF-1) " " $NF}1' OFS='\t' myFile

That did the trick !