How to remove swap file sys without reboot?

hi every body
i am trying to remove logical volume i configured as a swap device but when i removed by smh i ran " swapinfo" it keeps the device and didn't feel that device removed also i "lvremove /dev/vg01/swapvol" also swapinfo not feel

i want it feel that i reduced the swap without reboot .

any device ?

In Short,

What you did is incorrect and its not possible.

In detail,

Swap space is the same as RAM since this is a virtual memory OS. Therefore, swap space can never be reduced on a running system, whether it is used/reserved or not. There is nothing to change in fstab except to remove additional (secondary) swap space. the primary swap space can never be removed or reduced in size except by reinstalling (ie, using Ignite/UX). If you are removing secondary swap space, you remove the entry from fstab and then reboot. You can add swap space at any time with swapon.

Moral : You cannot remove swap without a reboot.


i found solution if i installed swapoff software in hp-ux i can remove swap without rebooting

Any error?
is it successfull when you umount to this volume?

ok problem already solved :slight_smile:

You didnt say what version of HPUX you were running... (swapoff is to my knowledge only for 11.31...)