How to remove metacharacter while using wget command

Hi All,

While using below command I am getting some unusual character in Release.txt file.How could I remove or stop them to go into Release.txt file

wget -q
cat Default.aspx|egrep -in "EFS|HOTFIX" | awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)}'|cut -d ">" -f3|cut -d "<" -f1|cut -d "_" -f1 |sed 's/[ \t]*$//'| uniq > /efare1/home/qabuild/rohit/Release.txt

Characters in Release.txt file



From your description, I am not sure about if this long string is the one to cut out or if there is anything inside it to be removed, or if it is always the same, nor do I see how your file looks like so to locate the unwanted stuff.

Also the combination of many cat, cut, egrep, awk and sed are things you could most probably do with 1 of them instead of all 5 commands.

Show an input example line and the expected output, thanks.