How to remove ^M from the EOL?

The only way I know of is manually as follows:
To remove for example ^M from a file:

  •   vi the file name that has ^M at the end of each line.
  •   Hit <Esc> 
  •   Type :g/
  • Hold the CNTRL key and press V and M then release the CNTRL key At the buttom you should see this by now: :g/^M
  •   Then type  /s///g at the end of the line. You should see this g/^M/s///g now.
  •   Hit <enter>.  All ^M at the end of each line should go away by now.
  •   Save the file and exit.

Good luck

That ^M control-M is a CR (carriage return).

As per ASCII table the octal code for CR is 015 . So we can remove it using below sed :

sed 's/'"$(printf '\015')"'$//g' inputfile > outputfile

Knowing that AIX is a bit tight when it comes to generic and versatile tools, I still would like to propose any of recode , iconv , and dos2unix , which all can do more than just deleting the ^M at EOL. tr would help as well.

tr should be present on any UNIX, while dos2unix is rare.

tr -d '\r' < inputfile > outputfile