how to remove files with a date

I have files with a date name ( 20060506 20060507 etc..) that i want to remove
because it keeps filling up the directory. Can someone please help me with a script to remove those date files. i would like to keep atleast 14 days worth from the current date. I hope i have explained it clearly and thanks :o

Use Perderabo's datecalc and see this post and you will get some idea on how to proceed.

Can you do it based upon modification time instead of filename?

The below will remove all files in <dir> that have not been modified in the past 14 days.

find <dir> -mtime +14 -exec rm -f {} \;

will the below script of mine work this way? :confused:

#! /bin/sh

Today_Date=`date +%Y%m%d`

mkdir /usr/TRS/backup/${Today_Date}

mv /usr/TRS/data/T* /usr/TRS/backup/${Today_Date} > ${log}

find /usr/TRS/backup/. -name 'T*' -mtime +1 -exec rm -fr {} \; > ${log}

The setting of the log variable line will give you an error using the `.
The rest looks ok. I would change would be the redirects on your log files. If you want a new log file everyday, then you can rm the logfile at the beginning of your script. The find command will work. I changed the search path a little, but your version should work as well. Your script will probably leave a bunch of directories, /usr/TRS/backup/<date>, out there. I would include something to clean that up. See below for the changes.
I hope this helps.


#! /bin/sh

Today_Date=`date +%Y%m%d`

#If you want a new log file on each run
rm -f ${log}

mkdir /usr/TRS/backup/${Today_Date}

mv /usr/TRS/data/T* /usr/TRS/backup/${Today_Date} >> ${log} 2>> ${log}

find /usr/TRS/backup -name 'T*' -mtime +1 -exec rm -fr {} \; >> ${log} 2>> ${log}

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the help. I think this shld work well. Many Thanks again =)
