how to remove duplicate node data by searching tag element

hi everyone,
I written one script that search all xml files and create one xml file, but I need to remove some duplicate nodes by testing one tag element.

        <info>sensor value</info>
            <sensor value="23" temp="25"/>
        <info>sensor value</info>
            <sensor value="24" temp="27"/>
        <info>sensor value</info>
            <sensor value="22" temp="26"/>

I need to print like this

        <info>sensor value</info>
            <sensor value="23" temp="25"/>
        <info>sensor value</info>
            <sensor value="24" temp="27"/>

I written script like this to create one xml file from multiple

 use warnings;
 use strict;
 use XML::LibXML;
 use Carp;
 use File::Find;
 use File::Spec::Functions qw( canonpath );
 use XML::LibXML::Reader;
 use Digest::MD5 'md5';

 if ( @ARGV == 0 ) {
     push @ARGV, "c:/main/sav ";
     warn "Using default path $ARGV[0]\n  Usage: $0  path ...\n";

 open( my $allxml, '>', "combined.xml" )
     or die "can't open output xml file for writing: $!\n";
 print $allxml '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
  "\n<Datainfo xmlns:xsi=\"\">\n";
 #my %extract_md5;
      sub {
          return unless ( /(_str\.xml)$/ and -f );

 print $allxml "</Datainfo>\n";

 sub extract_information {
     my $path = $_;
     if ( my $reader = XML::LibXML::Reader->new( location => $path )) {
         while ( $reader->nextElement( 'Data' )) {
             my $elem = $reader->readOuterXml();
            print $allxml $elem;
             #my $md5 = md5( $elem );
             #print $allxml $reader->readOuterXml() unless ( #$extract_md5{$md5}++ );


I tried with MD5 but its cheeking the entire node and removing duplicate node but I need to test with <test> tag and remove whole node information if same test exists. because in my data test number is same and inside some tags are different so MD5 can't delete that one, so I need to search with test tag and remove entire node information if same test number exists. so please help me .