How to remove delimiter from specific column?

I have 5 column in sample txt file
where in i have to create report based upon 1,3 and 5 th column..
I have : in first and third coulmn. But I want to retain the colon of fifth coulmn and remove the colon of first column..
5th column contains String message (for example, $5=string1:string2:String3)
and 1st column contains full path of script execution (for example, $1=path:MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS ) As I have to extract path from $1 I have given awk -F':|] ' ' but checks for all colon every line.

Can anyone please guide me how to remove : from $1 only.
Thanks in advance.

Hi, please provide a sample input file and specify desired output. Also could you show what you tried so far?

Here is the command which i formed working properly. But the problem occurs when My Messages is having colon in it. Only part of message gets displayed (the part after : that only Message3 displayed)

My output looks like:

,Filename,Error Message,Count
cat sample.txt | awk -F':|] ' '/ERROR|INFO/{ split($1,fn,"/");
  for (i in fn)
    if(fn~/^snow|^thunder/) {
    if (fn !~ /^snow|^thunder/) {

    a[val OFS $NF]++
  END{for(j in a)print j,a[j]}'| sort -k1,3

Content of sample.txt

/mylogsfolderpath/logs/nrf*Log20100930.log/09/30/2010/12:10:04 INFO [UNKNOWN] INFO Message.
/mylogsfolderpath/logs/nrf*220100929.log/09/29/2010/11:35:16 ERROR [12857745252700] Error Message
/mylogsfolderpath/logs/nrf*220100928.log/09/29/2010/11:45:16 ERROR [12857745652700] Error Message1:Message2:Message3

Simply what is the output you desire from this input:

Content of sample.txt
/mylogsfolderpath/logs/nrf*Log20100930.log/09/30/2010/12:10:04 INFO [UNKNOWN] INFO Message.
/mylogsfolderpath/logs/nrf*220100929.log/09/29/2010/11:35:16 ERROR [12857745252700] Error Message
/mylogsfolderpath/logs/nrf*220100928.log/09/29/2010/11:45:16 ERROR [12857745652700] Error Message1:Message2:Message3

What did you mean with filename? are these filenames that you mentioned?


And besides what is the count? count of error messages? like 3 for "Message1:Message2:Message3" ?

Output I am getting is correct...
I have just provided the output format...
Filename.log,Error String,1

Here problem is below code
awk -F':|]

Its really important for us to undersdtand every detail of the problem, thats why i asked. Allright is it an output like this?

nawk  '{split($1,arr,"/");{print arr[4]OFS$4" "$5}}' OFS=\, infile 
nrf*Log20100930.log,INFO Message.
nrf*220100929.log,Error Message
nrf*220100928.log,Error Message1:Message2:Message3

I dont understand the "count" part yet
