How to remove all text except pattern

i have nasty html file with 2000+ simbols in 1 row...i need to remove whole the code except title="Some title..." and store those into file with titles (the whole text is in variable text)
i've tried something like this:

echo $text | sed 's/.*\(title=\".+\"\).*/\1/' > titles.html

BUT it does not work, script run fine, but nothing happened...file "titles.html" look just like text variable

can you help me someone please?:confused::confused::confused:


echo "$text" | sed 's/^.*\(title="[^"]*"\).*$/\1/' > titles.html

In sed's default basic regular expression grammar, + is not special; it is a literal plus sign.

Also, the quotes around $text that i added preserve any runs of IFS characters (most likely spaces, if any) that may occur in the title.


>echo "title=123abc and more ^&@%#$%&@"
"title=123abc and more ^&@%#$%&@"

>echo "title=123abc and more ^&@%#$%&@" | tr -cd [:alpha:][:space:][:digit:]
title123abc and more

still everything in the output file :confused::frowning:

echo "$text" | sed -ne '/^.*\(title="[^"]*"\).*$/s//\1/p' > titles.html

If that doesn't work, then provide some sample data and desired output.

Can you post the output of the following command over here ?

echo $text


Also, are the "2000+ symbols" -
(a) special, but printable, characters like "@", "$", "%" etc. or
(b) non-printable characters like those for ASCII 0, 1, 2, etc.

echo $text| grep -o "title=\".*\"" 

This will fail (by matching more text than intended) if there is a quote after the quote that terminates the title, since it will be a greedy match. [^"]* instead of .* is best (again, assuming there's a possibility of another quote later on in the line).


Indeed, you would have to create a non-greedy match.

echo "$text" | grep -o 'title="[^"]*"'

---------- Post updated at 02:50 ---------- Previous update was at 02:41 ----------

This will only match one occurrence per line..

---------- Post updated at 03:09 ---------- Previous update was at 02:50 ----------

Alternatives to grep -o

echo "$text" | awk '/title=$/{getline;print "title=\""$0"\""}' RS=\"
echo "$text" | sed 's/title="[^"]*"/\n&\n/g' | sed '/^title="/!d'


perl -nle 'print for m/title=\".*?\"/g' nasty.html > titles.txt

non of those works (output was empty)..ill give you 1 row from my html...

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i need from this title="Some text(but not empty)"

Scrutinizer, thanks it works...can you explain to me your solution? (cos I dont know exactly what does [^"]* mean thanks)

[^"]* means zero or more occurrences of any character that is not a double quote.

ah..i see, thanks :b:

Previous perl code produces output...

title="The Java language specification"

New requirement is to exclude empty text, so try...

perl -nle 'print for m/title=\"[^\"]+\"/g' nasty.html > titles.txt