How to remove a ufs file system?

On a box with Solaris 10 I created a ufs file system and now I need to remove that file system. How do I remove a ufs file system on Solaris 10?

what did you use to create it? SVM? Veritas? newfs?


Actually I was going to remove the ufs and create a new vxfs with the same name, but then I found the vxfsconvert command so I guess my problem is solved. If anybody knows the answer of how to remove a ufs I'd still like to know in case I ever need to do it someday. Say I created one using newfs.

pretty easy, delete the contents of the mount point.

umount it.

then remove the directory itself.

then go through format and wipe out the slice of the mount point.

save the label.


then you can do your vxassists to create new veritas mount point. hope that helps.


Thanks, that's helpful information

Just to complete Sowser's answers:

It's not necessary.

before this, make sure there are no processes working on that fs.

It's not necessary.
Make sure also that your /etc/vfstab (or similars) has no references to that FS.

It's not necessary. That's just a tag.
Now you can use that slice for whatever you want, leaving it as it is or changing it.

You don't really need to delete an ufs FS, just quit using it :slight_smile:
