How to Remove 180 days older non-empty directories

Hi Gurus,

I have command to delete more than 180days file.

find /home/abc/ -name "CBST_*.txt*" -mtime +180 | xargs -n 100 rm -f

Now I would like to delete more than 180days Non empty directory--What will be command?

Following is non empty directory as instance CBST2010*

rm -R [directory name] removes a directory and it's children.

you need to be VERY careful doing a wide scope removal of "old" directories. Some system directories may not have been written for a long time

> ls -ld /usr
drwxr-xr-x  41 root     bin         1024 Jun 18  2008 /usr

This directory is VERY important, is non-empty and is nearly two years "old".

Basing a deletion process on the timestamp of a directory is not sensible.
The moment you delete a subdirectory it changes the timestamp of the immediate parent directory.

If the name of the directory contains the date, this is feasible. What is the full name of sample directory names and what format is the date?