How to recover the deleted file in Linux?


i deleted one file from linux
please let me know, if we can recover it ? if yes, pls let me know the steps to do..

Try : scalpel , once I recovered php files deleted.

following links might be useful

How to recover deleted files with Scalpel (Ubuntu) |

Try it Now: Recovering your deleted files using - Foremost

If you powered down your system immediately after deleting the file, and the file was on an ext2/3/4 filesystem, then you can use debugfs, the linux filesystem debugger, to recover the file.


You can recover the file using debugfs as long the system is not rebooted as this will clear all the journaling. Journal should be intact and no major changes were made like writing the files onto the same partition from where you deleted the file.

Hope this link can be more useful
gET iT i sAY, giis - ext3 File Undelete Tool