how to read the relative path

suppose i ahve a shell script inside a directory /dialp/Release/bin
another file nsdnet_file.csv is under the same directory. Now in the shell script i have call a java file, which reads the csvfile from the commandline.
Now when i run the file as
$ ./ ./nsdnet_file.csv
then the csv file is not read by the file.

Please help..
its urgent:confused:

So, you are writing a shell script,
passing the csv file name to it as parameter and
inside the script feeding the csv file to a java program...

Am I correct?

You might be doing wrong while calling the java program and feeding the csv file to it.

Show us what you are doing in shell script..

if [ "$1" = "" ];
then        ## No parameters were entered
    echo "Enter the fully qualified file name:"
    read mInputValue
    echo "The file name entered was "$mInputValue

if [ ! -r $mInputValue ]
    echo "File either don't exist or is not readable" > ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log
    mailx -s "NSDNet processing failed" "" < ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log
    exit 1

count=`wc -l $mInputValue | cut -c1-9`
if [ $count -eq 0 ]
    echo "NSDNET Processing Failed because there are no records in the file" > ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log
    mailx -s "NSDNet processing failed" "" < ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log
    exit 1

###Execute Nsdnet.class for processing the Input Files

echo "Processing started at `date`" > ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log
# ARG1 -----> Name of the Input File containing data to be inserted in database
if [[ -r $mInputValue ]]
    #echo "argument is $1"
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Drelease_dir=$REL -classpath $CLASSPATH com.att.ams.interfaces.nsdnet.Nsdnet $mInputValue >> ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log

echo "Processing ended at `date`" >> ${DIALPBIN}/Nsdnet.log

exit $?

it is working fine, if the full path is given
like $./ /dialp/release/bin/nsdnet_file.csv

but notm working when "./nsdnet_file.csv" name is given

It is because your java program is not at the same place where your csv file is...


#if you have passed the absolute path, it will take the .csv name
mInputValue=`basename $mInputValue`  

#And finally the absolute path.

Alternatively, You can use if-else and then pass the absolute path...

PS-- Always use code tags.

but nsdnet_file.csv can be any directory.
suppose it is one directory back, then the commandline argument will be

but in such case java file is not being called..

plz suggest some solution:confused:


$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Drelease_dir=$REL -classpath $CLASSPATH com.att.ams.interfaces.nsdnet.Nsdnet $mInputValue ....


$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Drelease_dir=$REL -classpath $CLASSPATH com.att.ams.interfaces.nsdnet.Nsdnet `pwd`/$mInputValue ...