How to read the data from the text file in shell script?

I am having one text file and i need to read that data from my shell script.

I will expain you the scenario:

Script look like:

For name type 1:
For age type 2:
For Salary type3:

echo "Enter the input:"

read the data

if input is 1 then go to the Text file and print the content corresponding to 1 respectively.

Sample Text file looks like

1.your name is abc and your mail address is
2.Your age is 21
3.Your salary is on

thanks in advance for any help!


echo "Enter Type:"
read type
echo "You have entered type $type, the description is:"
echo "$(grep "^$type" textfile)"

if you want to apply checks for verifications then please be more specific.

I bessoin a formula to find Grep
ip address
mac address

thank you for helping me