How to read a text file line by line and insert into a database table?

I have a test file that I want to read and insert only certain lines into the
the table based on a filter.

  1. Rread the log file 12 Hours back Getdate() -12 Hours
  2. Extract the following information on for lines that say "DUMP is
    A. Date
    B. Database Name
    C. Phrase "Dump is Complete"
    3 Insert three extracted data columns into a Database table
  3. Perform select and output result to html and email
Feb 10 23:20:27 2014: Backup Server: Database EligKeyDB: 14675188 kilobytes (86%) DUMPED.
Feb 10 23:20:54 2014: Backup Server: Database EligKeyDB: 14841824 kilobytes (87%) DUMPED.
Feb 10 23:21:06 2014: Backup Server: Database EligKeyDB: 14968036 kilobytes (89%) DUMPED.
Feb 10 23:21:20 2014: Backup Server: Database EligKeyDB: 15119660 kilobytes (91%) DUMPED.
Feb 10 23:21:36 2014: Backup Server: Database EligKeyDB: 15259614 kilobytes (94%) DUMPED.
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: Dump phase number 1 completed.
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: Dump phase number 2 completed.
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: Dump phase number 3 completed.
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: Database EligKeyDB: 15387946 kilobytes (100%) DUMPED.
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: DUMP is complete (database EligKeyDB).
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: Connection from Server CBSPRO on Host DSHSSAVWN8 with HostProcid 4688.
Feb 10 23:21:48 2014: Backup Server: Connection from Server CBSPRO on Host DSHSSAVWN8 with HostProcid 4688.

You are asing us to write the entire script
What have you tried?
what database are you inserting these details into?

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(Original thread is here)