How to rdist to secure server.


Earlier i am posting some files using rdist.

rdist -h -f <file-name>

File-name is file which contains details of servername,host,source & destination.

Now server has changed and it is giving connection refused error.What i have to do.

error is:

updating <servername>
<servername>:Connection refused.

the server only accepts sftp & ssh.

How can i rdist to this server with out any problem? Is there any way.

I did some investigation on net.I found that rdist normally uses rsh.But i need rdist via ssh.

to do this it depends on version & need to configure something.

Any body let me know how to find my rdist version.(I didn't find the version of it)

Since i don't have permission to configure,How can i publish files using rdist via ssh .



Earlier i am posting some files using rdist.

rdist -h -f <distfile>

distfile is file which contains details of servername,host,source & destination.

Now server has changed and it is giving connection refused error.What i have to do.

error is:

updating <servername>
<servername>:Connection refused.

the server only accepts sftp & ssh.

I have to use rdist via need some configuration.

1)Since i don't have permission to do configuration.
2) I don't know what rdist version my server using(How to find version of rdist)

How can achieve the publishing files with rdist via ssh.


There is nothing wrong with your method. Whatever was changed on the server, SSH is no longer running. That is what the 'Connection Refused' means. The SSH port is closed. No daemon is listening on that port.

Contact the administrator of that machine and find out what they changed and why. And why you weren't notified.

rdist is part of the r-family of commands, like rlogin, rcp, rsh.

The r-family is INSECURE.

The administrator of the other machine, with good reason, doesn't like this and therefore only accepts SECURE methods like ssh and sftp.

No way you get this done unless the administrator of the other system gives up his policy of allowing only secure methods.

The alternative is to build your own tool, which works similar like rdist and uses scp instead.

SSH is running just fine, rdist is no longer accepted, since the system administrator no longer allows insecure access (rdist, rsh, rcp, rlogin) but only secure access (ssh, scp, sftp)

If your rdist was compiled to allow you to change the transport, you just need to pass "-P /usr/bin/ssh" (use the right path for the location of your ssh of coures) and it should work. It'll surely ask for your password to send the files though.

If your rdist wasn't compiled with that capability, you'll need to retrieve the source and change the compile time options to allow optional transports.

You might also consider rsync which is what I use for my website syncing.


Mar1006, please do not start multiple threads for the same subject. I have merged the threads.

Hi Carl,

I can't do this."-P /usr/bin/ssh"

My server contains Perl 5.It's rdist doesn't have -P option.

Any Alternative?
