How to PuTTY to FreeBSD running on a VM

Hi all.

I have freebsd running on a vm (with a private ip).
Is it possible to putty to this vm ?
Plz advise. vm is vmware server .

Yes, it's possible. Enable SSH on the FreeBSD system by adding the following line to /etc/rc.conf:


...and reboot. Once that's done you should be able to use putty to connect to it from the local network. If you want to be able to do this from an external machine, you need to configure the firewall that's protecting the local network to forward a TCP port to the FreeBSD systems's TCP:22. I usually set mine to something like TCP:9922 on the outside which greatly reduces the number of break-in attempts. It's amazing how effective that technique is.

Hope this helps!


Also, if SSH is enabled, ad you are still having issues, try switching the networking to a bridged connection in your VM host.

thanks for the advice, but the prob is that we have to let it Host-Only to secure it.

the vm-ware server runs on linux. how to enable the port forwarding to freebsd. plz explain.


VMware doesn't support port forwarding to a host-only connection, only on NAT connections. You could try rolling your own port forwarding by configuring the Linux host as a gateway into the host-only network, but that would work both ways and be essentially the same as if you set VMware to NAT.

thanks pludi.
plz provide me some more details how to do this.:frowning: