How to processing the log file within certain dates based on the file name

Hi I am working on the script parsing specific message "TEST" from multiple file. The log file name looks like:


I am using the following command:

zgrep -a --text "TEST" * | awk -F"[ .,]" '{sub(".*:","",$6);  sub(",.*","",$7); print $1,$6,$7,$10}

and getting

N3      2009-11-25 20:12:57     TEST
N4      2009-11-28 10:42:18     TEST
N6      2009-12-01 10:00:24     TEST

If I only want to search the log file after 2009-11-29, what shall I change the command?


Create a file as a place holder and use find to reference to files newer than this placeholder

touch -t 200911290000 /tmp/something
find . -type f -newer /tmp/something

Pipe the output from find to xargs (find .... | xargs ) to process