How to process multiple files in Korn Shell

How do I make the below ksh to process all of the files inside a user specified directory?
Currently it can only process one file at a time.


tr -s '\11 ' ' ' < $1 > temp0

sed -e 's/,//g' temp0 > temp1

cut -d' ' -f1,4,5 temp1 > final_output

rm temp0 temp1

This should work

for file in /dir/to/process/*
tr -s '\11 ' ' ' < $file > temp0
sed -e 's/,//g' temp0 > temp1 
cut -d' ' -f1,4,5 temp1 >> final_output
rm temp0 temp1
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Thank you Vino!
It worked.

You really dont need "rm temp0 temp1" in the loop. You can use rm outside the loop.