How to print the output in single line


Please suggest, how to get the output of below script in single line, its giving me in different lines

export Path="/abc/def/ghi";
cd $Path;
find $Path -name "*.C#*" -newer "abc.C#1234" -print > $Home
cat $Home | while read line
cat $line | awk '/Subject/ {print}' | cut -c 1-35
cat $line | awk '/Date/ {print}' | cut -c 68-120

Thank you

The following also avoids the temporary file, and the use of cat. Oh, and the use of cut.

find $PATH -name "*.C#" -newer "abc.C#1234" -print |
while read file; do
    awk '/Subject/ { s=substr($0,1,35) } /Date/ { d=substr($0,68,53) }  END { print s, d }' "$file"

The main thing here really is (1) use an output format which does not include a newline between the items you want to print (I used a space instead); and (2) for efficiency and elegance, combine all the processing into a single awk script.

If Subject always comes before Date, you could do away with the while loop, too.