How to print the next line by searching with different patterns in AIX server?


I am having an '.xml' file with 'n' number of lines and also having another file with '.txt' format contains values which i want to search.

Now I want to print the next line with the pattern which i am searching in '.xml' file. And the loop has to repeat for different patterns which are present in '.txt' file.

the logic which i used is

  while read line
    grep -h -e  $line -A 1  file1.xml >> values.txt
  done < file2.txt

the above code is working in Linux server. Where I tried the same code in AIX server, it thrown below error

.rep: 0652-033 Cannot open
grep: 0652-033 Cannot open -A.
grep: 0652-033 Cannot open 1.
.rep: 0652-033 Cannot open
grep: 0652-033 Cannot open -A.
grep: 0652-033 Cannot open 1.


Please help me out from this.

The -A flag is a gnu extension to the grep command, try something like the following (untested) code.

perl -e 'while(<>){open XML , "<", "file1.xml") ;chomp; $pattern=qr(\Q$_\E/);while(<XML>){print scalar readline(XML)  if (/$pattern/);}}' file2.txt

AIX has a different version of grep . It has no -A and -B switches.

Here are threads with solutions:

I tried with the above perl command, but its thowring error.

where my xml file contains,

                <!--- Public EMS Server Settings -->

and the patterns which i want to search are placed in a txt file, contains,


Now i want to print the next line of xml file using the above patterns and save it to another file.

Please help me out from this issue..

---------- Post updated at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:36 AM ----------

the logic has to be work in AIX server..

while read line; do nawk -v l="$line" '$0~l{getline;print;exit}' file.txt; done < pattern.txt