How to print contents on the screen?

I have the following questions regrading Unix commands.

  1. Could you provide the commands how to print the content of ".profile" and ".shrc" files on the screen using "more" and "piple" command?

  2. How can i use the "head" and "tail" to display lines from 25 through 75...

  3. How to search the /etc/password that begins with character with the character "a"?

Thank you much in advance!

1) man cat
2) man head, man tail
3) use a regx "^" char specified befor your search pattern says this pattern must be @ the beggining of a line.
the $ says the search pattern must be at the end of the line.


^joebobjames (this says joebobjames must be present at the beginning of the line.

jobobjames$ (this says joebobjames must be present at the end of the line.

please read our rules.

1) dont double post. (How to print content on the screen)
2) this sounds strickingly like homework.