How to perform calculations using numbers greater than 2150000000.

Could someone tell me how to perform calculations using numbers greater than 2150000000 in Korn Shell? When I tried to do it it gave me the wrong answer.

e.g. I have a ksh file with the contents below:

SUM=`expr 2150000000 + 2`
PRODUCT=`expr 2150000000 "*" 2`
QUOTIENT=`expr 2150000000 / 2`

echo The sum is $SUM
echo The product is $PRODUCT
echo The quotient is $QUOTIENT

It should give 2150000002 for SUM, 4300000000 for PRODUCT and 1075000000 for QUOTIENT but it outputs below:

The sum is -2144967294
The product is 5032704
The quotient is -1072483648

PRODUCT=`echo '2150000000 * 2' | bc`

Thanks Perderabo!
I want to use that inside a For Loop but it does not work. Could someone tell me how to do this calculation inside a For Loop?

Below is the ksh containing the For Loop (the values of input will be greater than 2150000000):

for i in `cut -f1 -d" " input.txt | uniq`

for j in `grep $i input.txt | cut -f4 -d" "`
(( divider = divider + j ))
for j in `grep $i input.txt | cut -f5 -d" "`
(( dividend = dividend + j ))
finalresult=$(echo "scale = 4; $dividend/$divider*100" | bc)
echo "$i"" ""$finalresult" >> result

I don't know that the loop's the problem, but can't say for certain - could you exactly how it's not working? Is the expected output different from the actual result?