How to pass passwords to bash scripts?

I'm finding the following command very tedious to type in all the time, so I created a one line bash script called mount.bash with the following contents:

mount -t cifs //mark/C\$ -o unc=//mark\\C$,ip=,user=Administrator,password=$1 /mnt/mark

I don't like the fact that I have to put my password on the command line. What can I do to to prompt for $1 if it is not provided on the command line and echo "*"'s instead of the actual characters being typed?


stty -echo
stty echo
echo $PASSWD

Unforunately, it appears that the linux distribution (openwrt) on my linksys router does not have the stty command.

It is still good to know, however.

interesting...... you have 'linux' running on the linksys router?

I also have linux running on my linksys NAS controller.

thanks for the link - I must have been comatosed for the last couple of years.